27 May 2014

Chocolate and Math

Remember those days of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division? The other day the kids were learning some new concepts and the pen and paper approach was just not cutting it. 

There were few Math problems in our household that were not able to be solved without drawing a picture or using some chocolate chips. We tried it and found that it increased interest, promoted interaction, and made for memorable lessons.

I must say though, that using the chocolate for Math was not the entirety of it's purpose. By breaking the bar into chunks to illustrate division ect. we were also preparing it to be baked.

In the afternoon, the younger two have naps and the older two have SSR (Sustained Silent Reading).

 We sometimes bake together or I will throw something together. With the freshly broken chocolate chunks, I made our favorite cookies.

There were a few ingredients that had to be changed, but on a whole I think they turned out reasonably well.

Wish you were here!




  1. Kitchen math is always the best math. Like kitchen science. :-) Looks yummy!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. or, as Lewis Carroll puts it, "The different branches of Arithmetic - Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision"

    I really like the addition of chocolate to math, it makes the math more... shall we say.... palatable!

  4. Hey bj :) just now got a chance to look at your postings. I'm so glad you appear to be thriving and having fun over there. We miss you, a lot has changed at the good ol ymca.

    keep on bein' you <3
