25 May 2014

Park Time


How are you doing?

We have been enjoying some beautiful weather here which has allowed us to explore various parks. There is a small little area for the kids the play in about a fifteen minute walk from our abode.

There is a swing set, slide, and little roundabout. Simple, yet enjoyable. The other day, J learned how to go down a slide all by himself. At first with some apprehension, and then with unstoppable eagerness. He is determined to climb the ladder and requires little assistance. 

Because we go at the (approximately) same time each day, we will occasionally see the same kids. On several occasions, the kids have had a chance to play with a little boy. I would guess is he around the age of seven. They all like to pretend that the roundabout is a ship upon which they are traveling. E will dramatically fall off the ship which cause the little boy to express the cutest little laugh. It is interesting to ponder what makes certain things funny to some people and not to others. The more obvious humour appeals to kids, yes, but is that something you grow out of? Or do adults learn to contain their laughter more? Is there a standard of humour? Sorry to divert. Curious. 

A couple days ago, we were leaving for the park, when the French tutor was leaving our place as well. I asked her to teach the kids a phrase they might be able to learn, remember, and use. She gladly did so, and she taught/reminded them to say "au revoir". Well, that day at the park, the little boy was there, and chatting away at the kids. Speaking only English, there was no verbal response to these little conversations, however, as they were leaving, the kids said "au revoir" to him. A curious express was on his face as we left. As if to say "Why wern't you speaking French before?"

Hope you are well!



  1. I was hoping you would post today!! So glad to hear you're having good weather (we are too, finally!). I was also wondering what sort of outdoor activities you and the kids would be enjoying, and I love the pictures and descriptions of your nearby park.

    I miss you lots! But of course this is such a cool experience for you - and you'll probably pick up a little French, too. :-) Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures. Love you!

  2. Hello, my dear girl! Glad to hear you are chugging along! It is always nice to have some pleasant weather! That park looks delightful and so quaint (I mean that in the best way, of course)!

    Love hearing from you!
