15 May 2014

The Kidz


What's up? 

I thought I would write a quick post introducing the kids. Initials will be used for security reasons. 

Ir is the eldest. She is an excited eight year old with lots of questions about favourites. What is your favourite book, colour, dress, place, person, ect.! Trying to figure out what is attractive to kids about favourite questions, I think it might be that forming good questions develops over time and as you mature with interests, your questions are better crafted... just a thought. Ir loves to bake and listen to books. Last week she read through Sarah, Plain and Tall. As for Narnia, she would like to be Lucy. 

E is six years old. He is good at many things and excels very much in school. Spelling and Math being his two primary strengths. E likes reading as well and plows through anything he can get his hands on. Right now he is working on reading 100 books so that he can get a prize of a pocket knife. The other day after our session of sustained silent reading we talked about the stories and E really enjoyed trying to answer some comprehension questions and relating to ideas to biblical concepts. 

Al is three and is the most independant of all of them. Everything is done "all by myself". She is very affectionate with her family and often translates for me what J wants. She is creative and imaginative and left handed. She has an excellent memory and is able to correct me when mine is not up to par. The other day we were reading some french children's books and, as I do not know french, I was making up the story based on the illustrations. Well, when we read the same book the next day she told me I forgot a part (which I had - silly me) and I was amazed that she paid that close attention to detail. 

J is one and keeps you on your toes! He is not as fond of books as the others, but he does like being outside and playing with any toy that is being used by someone else. He has his really cute moments and his more vocalized moments, but I think that is true of almost anyone. J is good reminding people to just go with the flow because you never know what is going to happen next. One moment all five of us are piled on the couch reading a story, the next moment, someone is screaming, one is crying and two are fighting. Life just happens and you enjoy the time you are given. 

Hope you are well.
